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Install WordPress di Debian Etch

Dikutip Langsung dari Links dibawah ini dengan maksud tidak mengurangi rasa hormat kepada sang penulis, saya copy paste-kan di blog ini, biar tidak lupa … hehe … WordPress is a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. What a mouthful. WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time. WordPress Requirements * Apache Web server * PHP 4.2 or greater * MySQL 3.23.23 or greater * The mod_rewrite Apache module First you need to install apache2 with php support and mysql with php support Apache with PHP Support check here Mysql Database installation check here Mysql with php support you need to run the following command #apt-get install php4-mysql after that you need to install wordpress using the follwoing command #apt-get install wordpress This will install the wordpress now you need to go to /usr/share/doc/wordpress/example folder to setup apache to … Read entire article »

Filed under: Cms Wordpress, Linux

installing Qmail on FreeBSD in 5 Minutes

FreeBSD Qmail Server… asalamualaikum wr wb This is a quick installation of Qmail on FreeBSD Operating System … ———————— Do like this, follow the step by step, less than 5 minutes we can build a mail server…. Good Luck …!!! wasalam wr wb ————————— # cd /usr/ports/mail/qmail # make enable-qmail WITH_QMAILQUEUE_PATCH=yes WITH_BIG_TODO_PATCH=yes # make clean # cd /usr/ports/sysutils/ucspi-tcp # make all install clean # cd /usr/ports/security/checkpassword # make all install clean # echo “OPTIONAL_MANPATH /var/qmail/man” >> /etc/manpath.config # makewhatis # echo “,RELAYCLIENT=\”\”” > /etc/tcp.smtp # echo “192.168.0.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=\”\”” >> /etc/tcp.smtp # echo :allow >> /etc/tcp.smtp # /usr/local/bin/tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.tmp < /etc/tcp.smtp EDIT dot.cshrc Find the following line in dot.cshrc: set mail = (/var/mail/$USER) and modify the file as follows: #set mail = (/var/mail/$USER) setenv MAIL ~/Mailbox setenv MAILDIR ~/Maildir setenv MAILTMP ~/Maildir/tmp/tmpfile alias mail '/var/qmail/bin/maildir2mbox;/var/qmail/bin/qail' alias pine '/var/qmail/bin/maildir2mbox;/var/qmail/bin/pinq' alias elm '/var/qmail/bin/maildir2mbox;/var/qmail/bin/elq' EDIT dot.shrc Append the following lines to the end of dot.shrc MAIL=~/Mailbox MAILDIR=~/Maildir MAILTMP=~/Maildir/tmp/tmpfile export MAIL MAILDIR MAILTMP alias mail='/var/qmail/bin/maildir2mbox;/var/qmail/bin/qail' alias pine='/var/qmail/bin/maildir2mbox;/var/qmail/bin/pinq' alias elm='/var/qmail/bin/maildir2mbox;/var/qmail/bin/elq' EDIT dot.qmail Create the file dot.qmail and add this … Read entire article »

Filed under: Free-BSD

Config Error (BSD)

Dear All … Mesin Saya FreeBSD-Stable … Hari ini saya mo compile ulang Kernel mesin tsb,tapi yang saya temui conflict / error spt dibawah : Biar Bisa Compile kernel lagi gimana ya ?? kasih solusi donk … thx ——— Problem :: #config FIREWALL ERROR: version of config(8) does not match kernel! config version = 500013, version required = 600002 Make sure that /usr/src/usr.sbin/config is in sync with your /usr/src/sys and install a new config binary before trying this again. If running the new config fails check your config file against the GENERIC or LINT config files for changes in config syntax, or option/device naming conventions Solution :: # cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/config # make depend all install clean silakan rebuild kernel -dh- .:GoodLuck:. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Free-BSD

Qmail error … /usr/ports (BSD)

Problem ?? :: dear all… saya punya mesin BSD-STABLE … Udah Lama Sekali njalanin Qmail … beberapa Hari yang lalu Qmail-nya saya uninstall …. kemudian saya coba menginstall ulang Qmail nya … namun yang keluar malah error seperti ini …. ————— root@CS007# make reinstall ===> qmail-1.03_4 is marked as broken: OUTGOINGIP and QMTPC conflicts! Please, make your choice. ——————- Kira Kira kenapa neh ??? thx Solutions :: Hi Dimas, cd /usr/ports/mail/qmail && make config Pilih OUTGOINGIP *atau* QMTPC (sesuai kebutuhan), di sisi saya, hanya patch QMAILQUEUE saja. Regards Bd .:GoodLuck:. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Free-BSD

APT Behind Proxy

APT Behind Proxy Kalo Pingin ngejalanin APT get di Belakang Proxy Jangan Lupa Tambahin Script ini ya … — root@ubuntuku:/var/www/test# cat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/70debconf // Pre-configure all packages with debconf before they are installed. // If you don’t like it, comment it out. DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs {“/usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure –apt || true”;}; ACQUIRE { http::proxy “” } // Artinya adalah mesin Proxy .:GoodLuck:. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Linux

FreeBSD Reprository for Port-Tree

Ini Cerita ttg FreeBSD –> Create /etc/make.conf # Tambahkan Script ini u/ Porting file,lihat koneksinya (INDON or LUAR INDON) #MASTER_SITE_BACKUP?= \ #${DIST_SUBDIR}/ #MASTER_SITE_BACKUP} #Indonesia (Thx to CBN) #MASTER_SITE_BACKUP?= \ #${DIST_SUBDIR}/ #MASTER_SITE_BACKUP} #Luar Negeri (Thx to MIT) #MASTER_SITE_BACKUP?= \ #${DIST_SUBDIR}/ #MASTER_SITE_BACKUP} .:GoodLuck:. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Free-BSD


# This file now contains just the overrides from /etc/defaults/rc.conf. defaultrouter=”″ gateway_enable=”YES” named_enable=”YES” squid_enable=”YES” sendmail_enable=”NONE” sendmail_enable=”NO” apache22_enable=”YES” sendmail_submit_enable=”NO” sendmail_outbound_enable=”NO” sendmail_msp_queue_enable=”NO” clear_tmp_enable=”YES” #if_vlan_load=”YES” –> ada di /boot/loader.conf saver=”logo” scrnmap=”NO” hostname=”” ifconfig_bge0=”inet netmask″ ifconfig_xl0=”inet netmask″ #ifconfig_rl0=”inet netmask″ keymap=”us.iso” linux_enable=”YES” sshd_enable=”YES” usbd_enable=”NO” pf_enable=”YES” # Enable PF (load module if required) pf_rules=”/etc/pf.conf” # rules definition file for pf pf_flags=”” # additional flags for pfctl startup pflog_enable=”YES” # start pflogd(8) pflog_logfile=”/var/log/pflog” # where pflogd should store the logfile pflog_flags=”” … Read entire article »

Filed under: Free-BSD

Options Configuration Kernel FreeBSD

Bikin Kernel “FreeBSD” Tambah Garang #Tuning For Squid options MSGMNB=16384 # max # of bytes in a queue options MSGMNI=41 # number of message queue identifiers options MSGSEG=2049 # number of message segments per queue options MSGSSZ=64 # size of a message segment options MSGTQL=512 # max messages in system options SHMSEG=16 options SHMMNI=32 options … Read entire article »

Filed under: Free-BSD

Aliasing Pada Postfix

Untuk mengaktifkan aliases cukup mudah. Pertama pastikan baris berikut ada di /etc/postfix/ alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases alias_database = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases Setelah itu edit file /etc/postfix/aliases, tambahkan beberapa baris alias. # alias default dari postfix MAILER-DAEMON: postmaster postmaster: root bin: root daemon: … Read entire article »

Filed under: Linux

Setting Virtual Domain Postfix

Untuk seting virtual domain , pastikan di /etc/postfix/ terdapat baris : virtual_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual Edit file /etc/postfix/virtual dengan sintaks : virtual.domain apasaja user@virtual.domain sofyan,root Dari keterangan di atas, berarti secara default, semua user di real domain, punya alamat juga di virtual domain. Kemudian di baris kedua,dapat … Read entire article »

Filed under: Linux