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Autostart WINDOWS SERVER 2003

mas dimas.

ketik aja di windows run : control userpasswords2

pilih user yang hendak dipilih auto login
kemudian hilangkan tanda centang ’user must enter a username and password to
use this computer’



—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 8:18 AM
Subject: Tanya Starting Application di Windows Server

> Halo Boss Moko
> Apa kabar ?
> —-
> Aku mo nanya, gimana ya caranya naruh program biar bisa langsung start di
> Windows Server, tanpa harus Login dulu … ?
> —
> Dulu Aku Pernah sampean Ajari Cuman lali ..
> —
> kalo aku setting di Program –> start up nya Windows Server … Ternyata
> program baru bisa jalan setelah Login dulu …
> —
> Gimana ya boss solusinya ?
> —
> thx

Filed under: Windows-Server

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