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{ Berbagi, Menulis, Dan Mengajar } Ilmu… » 7. Operating System » Installasi tinyMCE di drupal

Installasi tinyMCE di drupal

I have installed TinyMCE for Drupal several times now, and every time I do it, I get messed up! Although the instructions are complete, somehow they are not really clear. So if you have tried installing TinyMCE in your Drupal installation and you are having problems, read on. You may be making the same mistakes that I have been making, in which case this article will help you.

The first thing to understand is that you must download two separate zip files.

First, there is the TinyMCE Drupal module. In your Drupal installation, place the zip file at [root]/sites/all/modules/. Extract the zip file, which will add the tinymce sub-directory, in which you will find the includes and themes sub-directories.

Second, there is the TinyMCE package itself. Download it, and place it in the newly created [root]/sites/all/modules/includes directory. Extract the zip file, which will create a new tinymce sub-directory, with three sub-directories under that: docs, examples, and jscripts. These three directories must be moved up one level, so that you now have the following three paths:

You can now delete the [root]/sites/all/modules/includes/tinymce directory.

The files for TinyMCE are now installed. Enable the module on the Administer>>Modules page (Administer>>Site Building>>Modules for Drupal 5 installations). To control some finer points of what fields can use the editor, go to Administer>>TinyMCE page (Administer>>Site Configuration>>TinyMCE for Drupal 5 installations).

This should give you a fully functional WYSIWIG editor for your Drupal installation. Remember to configure access based on roles, as required, so that the editor appears (or not) for anonymous and authenticated users.

Instructions for adjusting the IMCE module are included with the Drupal TinyMCE module pack. IMCE is a separate plugin

Filed under: 7. Operating System

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