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Installasi Free Radius

Instalasi FreeRadius pada Ubuntu Server 8.04
Published by umar-bgs on 13th September 2008Filed Under Distro Linux, Networking, Ubuntu
# apt-get install apache2

# apt-get install php5-common php5-gd php-pear php-db libapache2-mod-php5

# apt-get install php5-mysql

# apt-get install mysql-server-5.0

# apt-get install freeradius

# apt-get install freeradius-mysql

# mysql –u root –p


GRANT ALL ON radius.* TO radius@localhost IDENTIFIED BY “radpass”;


# gunzip -d /usr/share/doc/freeradius/examples/mysql.sql.gz

# mysql -u root -p radius < /usr/share/doc/freeradius/examples/mysql.sql

# mysql -u root –p

use radius;

show tables;


# vi /etc/freeradius/sql.conf

readclients = yes
# vi /etc/freeradius/radius.conf

Pada bagian authorize letakkan sql sebelum bagian files(jika kita tidak mau menggunakan files, kita bisa berikan komen(tanda #) didepannya ), dan pada bagian accounting letakkan sql diantara unix dan radutmp.

# mysql -u root –p

use radius;

mysql> INSERT INTO radcheck (UserName, Attribute, Value) VALUES (’test’, ‘Password’, ‘password’);

mysql> INSERT INTO radcheck (UserName, Attribute, Value) VALUES (’test’, ‘Auth-Type’, ‘Local’);

# vi /etc/freeradius/sql.conf

server = “localhost”
login = “root”
password = “rahasia”
radius_db = “radius”

# vi /et/freeradius/clients.conf

secret = rahasiajuga

# run freeradius –X

# (Alt+F2)

# radtest test password localhost 1812 rahasiajuga

Sending Access-Request of id 59 to port 1812

User-Name = “test”

User-Password = “password”

NAS-IP-Address =

NAS-Port = 1812

rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host, id=59, length=20

Filed under: 7. Operating System

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