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Filed under: 7. Operating System

Protected: IP – IP PG Barat

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Filed under: 7. Operating System

MAC menanggal

1. ? ( at 20:04:12:30:31:97 [ether] on eth0 2. ? ( at 00:11:2f:2b:f7:a1 [ether] on eth0 3. ? ( at 00:24:1d:79:09:c4 [ether] on eth0 4. ? ( at 00:14:0b:34:5a:c9 [ether] on eth0 5. ? ( at 00:11:09:04:8f:37 [ether] on eth0 6. ? ( at 00:18:f3:bc:74:90 [ether] on eth0 7. ? ( at 00:23:5a:82:ed:c8 [ether] on eth0 8. ? ( at 00:11:d8:8d:fa:c2 [ether] on eth0 9. ? ( at 00:B0:4C:39:22:86 [ether] on eth0 … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

RESI *2 **8 619 0398 INV IMPERINDO from dsc

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Protected: Berita Acara Standart N-11

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Filed under: 7. Operating System


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Filed under: 7. Operating System

AT+CMGR –> see ITEGNO firmware… Bekap2x Artikel ITEGNO

Hi Dimas, bisa di lihat via hyperterminal dgn menjalankan command AT+CGMR  Oh iya, utk source code buat simple program itegno, bisa didapat dimana? Apa ada juga di internet? Thanks. Regards, Harris —– Original Message —– From: Dimas Adityo To: Sent: Friday, December 26, 2008 5:31 PM Subject: Ada yng kelupaan Pak Harris … kemarin di jkt ada yang kelupaan mo saya tanyakan … yaitu bagaimana caranya ngeliat versi firmware dari itegno 3800 ? — trims … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Itegno 2x …

Dear All, Di bawah ini satu statement command yg perlu disisipkan pd software aplikasi Developer yg biasa menggunakan itegno 3000 dan skrg mau menggunakan itegno 3800 agar responsenya sama. Rgds, Sudiro ----- Original Message ----- From: Kamyhoo To: Sudiro Warsito ; Lee Yao Chiang Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 1:44 PM Subject: Re: Quotation Request Hello Mr. Sudiro, Thank you for your time over the phone. based on the documetation, These are the command responses different that releated to SMS: iTegno 3000/3045/3232 iTegno 38XX AT+CPMS=? +CPMS: (("SM","ME","BM","SR"), ("SM","ME"), ("SM","ME") OK AT+ CPMS=? +CPMS: ("SM,"SM","SM") OK iTegno 3000/3045/3232: When SMS storage is empty, AT+CMGL returns an OK. iTegno 38XX: When SMS storage is empty, AT+CMGL returns "+CMS ERROR: 321" according to GSM 07.05. Best regards, kamy … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

setting up VLAN di debian

# The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback # The primary network interface auto vlan11 #vlan11 iface vlan11 inet static address netmask network broadcast mtu 1500 vlan_raw_device eth1 #auto eth1.11 #iface eth1.11 inet static #        address #        netmask #        name Ethernet LAN card #        broadcast #        network #pre-up /etc/init.d/splitaccess-up auto dsl-provider iface dsl-provider inet ppp pre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up # line maintained by pppoeconf provider dsl-provider auto eth0 iface eth0 inet manual … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Ganti IP komputer debian lewat php –> COPAS dari Web Eepis – its… gpp ya saya copy…:D

Cara mengganti IP address lewat web browser : 1. install apache2 php5 visudo 2. edit /etc/visudo # # This file MUST be edited with the ‘visudo’ command as root. # # See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file. # Defaults        env_reset # Host alias specification # User alias specification # Cmnd alias specification # User privilege specification root    ALL=(ALL) ALL www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL —————————————— 3. Buat file .php dengan nama do.php dev: ip: netmask: 4.   Jangan lupa meletakkan file php di /var/www/apache-default kalau tidak bisa di letakan coba di chmod 666 5. jalankan di browser //localhost/do.php Filed under: Uncategorized – Trackback Uri … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System