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S2 Topik Khusus Hariadi PHD

Teori poison Tujuan Reconstruction Oject 3D, Digunakan untuk mencari integral permukaan untuk mencari volume. data Disktrit di Integralkan …Dijumlahkan — Algoritma –> surface –> ke Solid Poison Integral Gausian –> Integral Volume. — Dari Point Clould –> Rekonstuksi  Menggunakan Poison … Read entire article »

Filed under: Kuliah S2

Protected: Perbaikan Qmail installasi from source

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Filed under: 7. Operating System

Protected: Format Berita Acara Serah Terima Barang

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Filed under: 7. Operating System

How to resolve the “Too many connections” error?

The Drupal site for PHP-development students at the VDAB competence center at Dendermonde has been down the second time now with the error: The mysqli error was: Too many connections. What causes it? How to solve it? I have been googling around for possible answers, and of course have found several differing points of view. Sometimes views even contradict. My starting point was this article: on Tuning MySQL Drupal. Some insights given by the discussion on;topic=27824.0. First of all. The point about a conflict between the length of the webserver thread and the length of a mysql persistent connection. I can be short on that one because I found this comment in my Drupal Note that mysqli does not support persistent connections. So even if I have … Read entire article »

Filed under: Cms Drupal

Protected: Bukti TRF RTGS BCA ke Bank BTN

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Filed under: 7. Operating System

Protected: Login ke

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Protected: Matakuliah Database Terdistribusi

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Filed under: Kuliah S2

Protected: Project PT BSM pak gembhoel

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Filed under: 7. Operating System


Dijelaskannya, untuk mengadu, pelanggan cukup mengisi SMS: penipuan#nomor penipu#isi SMS tipuan dan kirim ke 1166. SMS ini tak dikenakan biaya. … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Protected: seee this Software features SKI Software

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Filed under: 7. Operating System