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Filed under: 7. Operating System

Andi Publisher Surabaya

silahkan hubungi tlpn (031) 8436604, (031) 8473115 — Cabang Surabaya Jl. Raya Tenggilis R-17 Surabaya Telp./Fax 031-8436604, 8473115 / 031-8410731 Email … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System


dickyrahardi-replikasimysql … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Inner Join

(3:36:16 PM) dimas_4dityo: boss…INNER JOIN Kie piye ?? (3:36:22 PM) dimas_4dityo: pengertian konsep e (3:37:25 PM) punyadony: nggabungno dua tabel.. penggabungane, berdasar ndek field key yg bersesuaian ndek masing2 tabel (3:37:52 PM) punyadony: tabel A : NIP, Nama, Alamat (3:38:11 PM) punyadony: tabel B : NIP, Gaji, Bonus (3:38:21 PM) punyadony: nah join e (3:39:31 PM) punyadony: select a.nama, a.alamat, b.gaji, b.bonus from A a inner join B b on a.NIP = b.NIP (3:40:01 PM) dimas_4dityo: oo… (3:40:05 PM) dimas_4dityo: oke2x (3:40:29 PM) punyadony: ok2 … Read entire article »

Filed under: 4. Programming / IDE, MYSQL

Tutorial MYSQL … Read entire article »

Filed under: 4. Programming / IDE, MYSQL

Maju Tugas Pengenalan Open Source

yang Sudah Maju Tahap I, 25 – 03-2011 1. Fajar Tri Laksono.  —> 004 2. Dimas Agung Novpratama. –> 002 3. Kharisma Putera R. –> 007 4. Nes Tabuni.  —> 005 … Read entire article »

Filed under: 1. Bahan / Soal Ajar

Polsas 2009 Semester 2

Filed under: Politeknik Sakti Sby

at mail dan modifikasinya

Step 1 – Create A Database First we need to create a database for Atmail. Open up ISPConfig and go to Sites. Select Database from the sub-navigation menu on the left. Click on Add new Database Create a Database name, Database user and a Database password   Step 2 – Backup Squirrelmail Just in case it all goes wrong – we need to backup Squirrelmail. cd /usr/share mv squirrelmail squirrelmail.bak mkdir squirrelmail   Step 3 -Download, Unpack And Remove Unnecessary Files I was unable to get the latest version of Atmail open to work with my setup. For the purpose of this tutorial; we will be using v1.01 – Please feel free to let me know if you find a way to get the latest version working. cd squirrelmail wget tar xvfz atmailopen-1.01.tgz cd atmailopen mv * ../ cd ../ rm –r atmailopen rm … Read entire article »

Filed under: File Config


Pemrograman_Foxpro_2.6 Perpus –> contoh Program Perpus   … Read entire article »

Filed under: 2. BLog Research / Thesis / Disertasi

Dasar Pemrograman Komputer

Dasar Program Komputer … Read entire article »

Filed under: 1. Bahan / Soal Ajar