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Penting Tagihan Telkom Speedy

telkom_jul_2011 telkom_agu_2011 telkom_sep_2011 … Read entire article »

Filed under: File Config

Toolbox Calibration

toolbox_calib … Read entire article »

Filed under: 2. BLog Research / Thesis / Disertasi

Camera Calibration … Read entire article »

Filed under: OpenCV

CPP / C++ Fungsi –> atoi

Atoi –>  Fungsi atoi() Penjelasan Fungsi ini digunakan untuk mengubah string (teks) angka menjadibilangan numerik integer. File header yang harus disertakan adalah : stdlib.h … Read entire article »

Filed under: 4. Programming / IDE, CPP / C++ / C

Library Wajib OpenCV

cv210.lib cxcore210.lib highgui210.lib   … Read entire article »

Filed under: OpenCV


PKSJatim1 PKSJatim2 … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

openCV Toturial … Read entire article »

Filed under: OpenCV

OpenCV Camera Calibration … Read entire article »

Filed under: OpenCV

OpenCV 1

// halo.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "cv.h" #include "cxcore.h" #include "highgui.h" int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { IplImage *img = cvLoadImage ("Image.bmp"); cvNamedWindow("Image:",1); cvShowImage("Image:",img); cvWaitKey(); cvDestroyWindow("Image:"); cvReleaseImage(&img); return 0; } … Read entire article »

Filed under: OpenCV

SOA programming model for implementing Web services, Part 1: Introduction to the IBM SOA programming model … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System