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{ Berbagi, Menulis, Dan Mengajar } Ilmu… » 7. Operating System » eclipse autocomplete codeigniter

eclipse autocomplete codeigniter

You could try this method

  1. Choose “Project” -> “Properties” or “Window” -> “Preferences” -> “PHP” (for global usage)
  2. Choose “PHP Include Path”
  3. Click on “Add External Source Folder” and point to file below
  4. restart eclipse

Point path to this file below



* @property CI_DB_active_record $db
* @property CI_DB_forge $dbforge
* @property CI_Benchmark $benchmark
* @property CI_Calendar $calendar
* @property CI_Cart $cart
* @property CI_Config $config
* @property CI_Controller $controller
* @property CI_Email $email
* @property CI_Encrypt $encrypt
* @property CI_Exceptions $exceptions
* @property CI_Form_validation $form_validation
* @property CI_Ftp $ftp
* @property CI_Hooks $hooks
* @property CI_Image_lib $image_lib
* @property CI_Input $input
* @property CI_Language $language
* @property CI_Loader $load
* @property CI_Log $log
* @property CI_Model $model
* @property CI_Output $output
* @property CI_Pagination $pagination
* @property CI_Parser $parser
* @property CI_Profiler $profiler
* @property CI_Router $router
* @property CI_Session $session
* @property CI_Sha1 $sha1
* @property CI_Table $table
* @property CI_Trackback $trackback
* @property CI_Typography $typography
* @property CI_Unit_test $unit_test
* @property CI_Upload $upload
* @property CI_URI $uri
* @property CI_User_agent $user_agent
* @property CI_Validation $validation
* @property CI_Xmlrpc $xmlrpc
* @property CI_Xmlrpcs $xmlrpcs
* @property CI_Zip $zip

class CI_Controller {};
class MY_Controller {};
* @property CI_DB_active_record $db
* @property CI_DB_forge $dbforge
* @property CI_Config $config
* @property CI_Loader $load
* @property CI_Session $session

class CI_Model {};

Filed under: 7. Operating System

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