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{ Berbagi, Menulis, Dan Mengajar } Ilmu… » 7. Operating System » Script Update Limanjaya

Script Update Limanjaya

SELECT SUM(pengeluaran) AS biayaproduksi FROM finance_tx WHERE  blnth=’JANUARI-2017′

$q = $this->db->query(“SELECT DISTINCT blnth from finance_tx”);

SELECT SUM(pengeluaran) AS biayaproduksi FROM finance_tx WHERE  blnth=’JANUARI-2017′ AND kode REGEXP ‘^P';

SELECT DISTINCT blnth AS periodebulan, SUM(pengeluaran) AS biayaproduksi
FROM finance_tx

SELECT DISTINCT blnth AS periodebulan, SUM(pengeluaran) AS biayaproduksi  FROM finance_tx WHERE blnth=’FEBRUARI-2013′ AND kode REGEXP ‘^P’

SELECT DISTINCT blnth AS periodebulan, SUM(pengeluaran) AS biayaproduksi,SUM(pengeluaranL) AS biayalain  FROM finance_tx WHERE blnth=’JANUARI-2019′

SELECT DISTINCT blnth AS periodebulan, SUM(pengeluaran) AS biayaproduksi,SUM(pengeluaranL) AS biayalain  FROM finance_tx WHERE blnth=’JANUARI-2019′

Filed under: 7. Operating System

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