{ Berbagi, Menulis, Dan Mengajar } Ilmu… » 7. Operating System » Firewall Iptables on text file
Firewall Iptables on text file
Example: iptables Read IPs / Subnets From The Text File
Create a text file – /root/firewall/badips.db as follows:
# Block db # Added on Aug/19/2009 # Spammers
The basic logic as follows to read a text file:
_input=/path/to/text.db IPT=/sbin/iptables $IPT -N droplist egrep -v "^#|^$" x | while IFS= read -r ip do $IPT -A droplist -i eth1 -s $ip -j LOG --log-prefix " myBad IP BlockList " $IPT -A droplist -i eth1 -s $ip -j DROP done < "$_input" # Drop it $IPT -I INPUT -j droplist $IPT -I OUTPUT -j droplist $IPT -I FORWARD -j droplist |
Here is a sample shell script:
#!/bin/bash # Modify script as per your setup # Usage: Sample firewall script # --------------------------- _input=/root/firewall/badips.db _pub_if="eth1" IPT=/sbin/iptables # Die if file not found [ ! -f "$_input" ] && { echo "$0: File $_input not found."; exit 1; } # DROP and close everything $IPT -P INPUT DROP $IPT -P OUTPUT DROP $IPT -P FORWARD DROP # Unlimited lo access $IPT -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT $IPT -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT # Allow all outgoing connection but no incoming stuff by default $IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${_pub_if} -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT $IPT -A INPUT -i ${_pub_if} -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT ### Setup our black list ### # Create a new chain $IPT -N droplist # Filter out comments and blank lines # store each ip or subnet in $ip egrep -v "^#|^$" x | while IFS= read -r ip do # Append everything to droplist $IPT -A droplist -i ${_pub_if} -s $ip -j LOG --log-prefix " Drop Bad IP List " $IPT -A droplist -i ${_pub_if} -s $ip -j DROP done <"${_input}" # Finally, insert or append our black list $IPT -I INPUT -j droplist $IPT -I OUTPUT -j droplist $IPT -I FORWARD -j droplist # Okay add your rest of $IPT commands here # Example: open port 53 #$IPT -A INPUT -i ${_pub_if} -s 0/0 -d -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT #$IPT -A INPUT -i ${_pub_if} -s 0/0 -d -p tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT # Open port 80 # $IPT -A INPUT -i ${_pub_if} -s 0/0 -d -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j ACCEPT # Allow incoming ICMP ping pong stuff # $IPT -A INPUT -i ${_pub_if} -p icmp --icmp-type 8 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -m limit --limit 30/sec -j ACCEPT # $IPT -A INPUT -i ${_pub_if} -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 3 -m limit --limit 30/sec -j ACCEPT # $IPT -A INPUT -i ${_pub_if} -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 5 -m limit --limit 30/sec -j ACCEPT # $IPT -A INPUT -i ${_pub_if} -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 11 -m limit --limit 30/sec -j ACCEPT # drop and log everything else $IPT -A INPUT -m limit --limit 5/m --limit-burst 7 -j LOG $IPT -A INPUT -j DROP |
Filed under: 7. Operating System