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{ Berbagi, Menulis, Dan Mengajar } Ilmu… » 7. Operating System » SMTP CI Sendmail

SMTP CI Sendmail

Di Controller ditambahkan ini

function sendmail($email,$Judul,$IsiBerita){
$arraymail= array(
‘protocol’ =>’smtp’,
‘protocol’ => ‘smtp’,


$this->email->from(‘’,’Eproc PTPN-XI’);

Di Library ditambahkan ini /system/libraries/Email.php

ini Filenya Email.php

var $useragent = “CodeIgniter”;
var $mailpath = “/usr/sbin/sendmail”; // Sendmail path
var $protocol = “mail”; // mail/sendmail/smtp
var $smtp_host = “”; // SMTP Server. Example:
var $smtp_user = “”; // SMTP Username
var $smtp_pass = “rahasia”; // SMTP Password
var $smtp_port = “25”; // SMTP Port
var $smtp_timeout = 5; // SMTP Timeout in seconds
var $smtp_crypto = “”; // SMTP Encryption. Can be null, tls or ssl.
var $wordwrap = TRUE; // TRUE/FALSE Turns word-wrap on/off
var $wrapchars = “76”; // Number of characters to wrap at.
var $mailtype = “text”; // text/html Defines email formatting
var $charset = “utf-8″; // Default char set: iso-8859-1 or us-ascii
var $multipart = “mixed”; // “mixed” (in the body) or “related” (separate)

Filed under: 7. Operating System

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