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KTM S2 R Dimas Adityo

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Bukti Pembayaran Toga

Filed under: 7. Operating System

DHTML MENU Modul di Drupal 7

DHTML Menu – Drupal 7 DHTML Menu (Do NOT use beta ver-2011.11.10. Use Dev. ver-2011.11.10) === Critical note – Re: ‘Clear all caches’. Anytime in the future that you run ‘Updates’ ([d7-root]/update.php), the ‘DHTML Menu'(s) will no longer expand when you click on them. You must click the button ‘Clear all caches’ on page ‘Configuration’ » heading ‘Development': ‘Performance’ [d7-root]/admin/config/development/performance DHTML Menu – ‘Configuration’ settings. [root]/admin/config/user-interface/dhtml_menu ‘Static navigation': “No Collapsing” (default). ‘Other effects': ‘When a menu opens': “Keep other menus open”. ‘When a menu closes': ‘Close all its sub-items, too’. ‘When a new page is loaded': ‘Expand only the currently active path'(default). After changing any DHTML setting: “Clear all caches” via the button on – [d7-root]/admin/config/development/performance “Run cron” – [root]/admin/reports/status/run-cron === IGNORE below Drupal 7 DHTML Menu 7.x-1.0-beta1 – Upper-Level Menu Items’ Menu-Collapsed Icon Does Not Switch To Menu-Expanded When Clicked. ### … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Speedy TI PTPN – XI

“” * “sqguji19pt” –> speedy KHUSUS TI PTPN _ XI (253)   “” * “1111”   “” * “slkpzx24dy” –> Speedy 254 (PTPN-XI) … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Andre Mammoth

Participants: ------------- Adityo R Dimas, Messages: --------- Adityo R Dimas: Iki pabrik anyar Berarti pasang baru gt ya Bapak deal aja dl nanti aku yg sub bapak Adityo R Dimas:'e gelem melu Adityo R Dimas: Ngukur2x Aku masi masang cctv pak 3 tempat sekaligus Adityo R Dimas: Oo...yws Adityo R Dimas: Be'e gelem Adityo R Dimas: Boss Adityo R Dimas: Tplink'e Ia bos Jadi pak Adityo R Dimas: Seri opo?? Adityo R Dimas: Kirim brosure ya Adityo R Dimas: Jadi...sik ngelist...orderane Adityo R Dimas: Nunggu P.O'e Adityo R Dimas: Kirim ke emailku ae Alamat nya Adityo R Dimas: Adityo R Dimas: Endi pak?? Adityo R Dimas: Kok durung...teko Udah bos Adityo R Dimas: Jik tas... Y Adityo R Dimas: Oke Pak klu boleh tau bapak transfer yg mana aja ya Untuk ups ica yg 1 unit dan lancard dlink 1 unit udah di bantu transfer blm ya Itu … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Lowongan Kerja IKC 2013

LowonganKerja LowonganKerja … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Foto 3×4 dan 3×6 siap dicetak

Foto 3 x 4 Tinggal Dicetak   –> Ini Ada Backgroundnya FotoSiapCetak  –> Background Bersih … (Lebih Bagus Dari yang Diatas) … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Kop Amplop Surat IKC

  kopAmplopJadi2013—> Office 2007 kopAmplopJadi2013 —> Office 2003 … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Kop Surat IKC 2013

Kop Surat A4-2012 Kop Surat A4-2012a Kop Surat A4-2012b Kop Surat A4-2013 … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Proposal Makalah CI Aplikasi Sekolah

Publikasi 07.12.2637 … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System