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Power Reload Manyar Sabrangan

No Kantor : 5990512 Fren : 08885220800 Flexi : 71280666 TSEL : 08132347132 Contact Person : Hadi / Aries … Read entire article »

Filed under: Itegno

New Iklan Itegno 3800

1. GPRS / SMS / CDMA MODEM * Modem itegno 3800 GSM/GPRS (new Product) * Modem WAVECOM SUPREME * Itegno 3800SE GSM/GPRS 900/1800Mhz RS232 * CDMA MODEM HuaWei EC-325 … Read entire article »

Filed under: Itegno

Kontak Zainal Trugee

wong iki angel dihubungi ndek kantor e — Iki ID ne Mr Farid YM : HP : 08179750046 Fren : 08884814922 – … Read entire article »

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sony blitar … he need itegno

please contact this number 0342-7751000 … Read entire article »

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Butuh Itegno

Segera Kontak Orang ini " He Need Itegno " Leo –> DataMix –> Ruko Satelit –> 08123151517 … Read entire article »

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Pesanan Pak Donny

Ini Pesanan- Donny : –> Segera Di Register … Read entire article »

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Digital Sense …Butuh Itegno

Digital Sense Butuh Itegno Please Contact This Number : 031-847-3772 CP : Pak Joko Dan Pak Ikhsan Jayeng … Read entire article »

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Wavecom Fastrack Supreme

Wavecom FASTRACK SUPREME Informasi Produk PLUG & PLAY ACHIEVES THE NEXT LEVEL The Wavecom Fastrack Supreme has the same versatile Plug & Play form factor as previous Fastrack products, packed with a host of new features that will carry your applications well into the future. That’s because it’s designed to accommodate any additional features you can imagine thanks to a revolutionary, open standard Internal Expansion Socket you can populate with an expansion card from Wavecom – or one of your own. It will be available Q2/3 2007. EVERYTHING YOU LOVE AND MOREEvolve to the latest cellular technology and add functionality without sacrificing the form factor you’ve come to rely on. The Fastrack Supreme is the same size, has the same interfaces and is completely backward compatible. POWERFUL CORE APPLICATIONPROCESSING Every Fastrack Supreme features a … Read entire article »

Filed under: 8. Data Comm / Inet of Things (IoT)

User Itegno

Nama : Pak Iwan (ex – N-Ciety) HP : 031-33047474 … Read entire article »

Filed under: Itegno, Tech_Reports

Next Priority User

Customer Priority for Next Target — 1. Bapak Aries Dan Bapak Agung di Manyar Sabrangan 2. Bpk Adi (VIRGO) Dan Bapak Eddy (VRE). 3. Bapak Eddy (OK Pulsa). 4. Bapak Zainal (trugee). … Read entire article »

Filed under: Itegno