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{ Berbagi, Menulis, Dan Mengajar } Ilmu… » 7. Operating System

Tugas PI Dimas + David Pang

Image Processing And Neural Computing … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Open Source Web Converence … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Kontak ‘e nomor’e Darmadi HALO

Wa’alaikum salam warrohmah, Oedaryanti Utomo, Vila Kalijudan Blok E 12A matur nuwun, regards, .mtn   … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Source+DataBase 27042011 15.45

sdmkumham … Read entire article »

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BEasiswa BPPS

BPPS_Magister_2008 … Read entire article »

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Filed under: 7. Operating System

Cari buku ini

1. Sistem Penjualan Service / Part Kendaraan dengan VB 6.o dan Mysql, Ir.Yuniar Supardi 2. Membangun aplikasi point of  sale dengan VB 6.0 mysql dan PHP, hendry ST, 2010 3. Membuat Sistem Operasi minimarket (point of Sale) dengan visual basic 6 dan MYSQL 5, Tomy SE. 4. Koleksi Program VB 6.0 konsep ADO untuk tugas akhir dan skripsi, UUS Rusmawan. 5. MYSQL Server Versi 5 dan aplikasinya dalam visual basic 6 dan Delphi, M Agus J Alam … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Source Code VB.6 MYSQL apik Good

POS_and_In2192131152010 … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System


In this article, I will show you how to access MySQL server database using ODBC data provider. There are two ways to access MySQL Server database using ODBC data providers. First, using ODBC data source name and second by passing connection string direct in the OdbcConnection object. Using MySQL Database As I’ve been saying, working with different data sources is only a matter of changing the connection string. You can access a MySQL database either using a DSN or using the  direct database name in the connection string. You can use a database name directly as shown in the following code: Dim connectionString As String = “Driver={MySQL};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=NorthwindMySQL;” Or you can use an ODBC DSN, as you can see from the following … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System


1.  Install vbnya 2.  Download mysql odbc-nya, install 3.  create database di mysql, misalnya infoonline 4.  use infoonline ==> create table mahasiswa 5.  masuk ke control panel, switch ke classic view aja. 6.  masuk ke Administrative Tools –> Data Source (ODBC) 7.  Di tag user DSN, klik Add 8.  pilih mysql odbc driver, –> klik finish 9.  akan tampil panel odbc connector 10. isi datasource name, misal ikhsanganteng, description (kosongin juga boleh),server(defaultnya localhost),User nya root, password (default kosong), pilih databasenya 11. Klik Test… (success, connection was made) berarti telah sukses buat koneksi, klik ok 12. Sekarang, masuk ke vbnya, klik menu project — > references — > pilih Microsoft ActiveX  Data  Objects 2.0 Library dan Microsoft ActiveX Data Object RecordSet 2.8 Library 13. Di project Explorer, tambahkan module, add module 14. Isikan coding koneksi dan seleksi mahasiswa Public con … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System