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{ Berbagi, Menulis, Dan Mengajar } Ilmu… » 7. Operating System

YM-Shell Binary… Jalan Baik Di Linux Debian Lenny (sudah tercompilasi)

File ini Bisa Langsung didownload digunakan tanpa melakukan compilasi Ulang…. … Read entire article »

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snmpdconf.txt … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Protected: Penawaran PT.KAI DAOP Jember Voip 8 port

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Filed under: 7. Operating System

Protected: Penawaran Aplikasi Kas / Bank

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Filed under: 7. Operating System

New Update Firewall — Monggo Kalo Mau Didownload dan dipasang … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Mengganti Hostname pada Distro Berbasis Debian

Gunakan Perintah ini hostnamectl set-hostname new-hostname EKSPERIMEN – June 5, 2009 Mengganti Hostname pada Distro Berbasis Debian Pernahkah ada keinginan dari anda untuk mengganti hostname dari sistem anda. Biasanya ketika kita menginstall misal distro ubuntu hostname kita akan menjadi username-laptop dsb. Nah bagaimana kita mengubahnya? Caranya sebenarnya cukup simple. Buka terminal anda klik Application » Accessories » Terminal lug@username-laptop:~$ sudo gedit /etc/hostname Nah disitu ada nama dari hostname lawas anda, ganti dengan yang baru misal stikom-surabaya. Sistem seharusnya mengupdate otomatis file /etc/hosts karena ada perubahan di /etc/hostname namun untuk memastikan buka saja file tersebut: lug@username-laptop:~$ sudo gedit /etc/hosts Cari string hostname lama anda jika ada lalu ganti ke hostname yang baru. Untuk mengecek kita dapat menggunakan perintah sysctl. lug@username-laptop:~$ sysctl kernel.hostname kernel.hostname = stikom-surabaya lug@username-laptop:~$ Agar tampilan prompt bash juga berubah silahkan buka session bash baru dengan menekan kombinasi Ctrl-Shift-T. Seharusnya tampilan hostname … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Struktur Kabel USB + DC 5 Volt power Supply

 Struktur Kabel USB Rangkain Voltage Regulator 5 Volt … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Download ttf font For Captcha … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Managing Apache2 modules the Debian way

The Apache2 HTTP Server is a modular program, where we can choose its functionality by including in the server a set of modules. The modules can be statically compiled into the httpd binary when the server is built. Alternatively, modules can be compiled as Dynamic Shared Objects (DSOs) that exist separately from the main httpd binary file. Normally enabling one particular apache DSO module will involve editing the main apache configuration file and adding a LoadModule line to enable the loading of the particular module. Depending from the module itself, we might need to add also some configuration directives. This will work fine on Debian also, but I am going to show you the Debian particular method of managing apache2 modules. Regardless of the apache MPM (Multi-Processing Modules) you are using: apache2-mpm-prefork, … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

NOD 32 Versi 4 … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System