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Virtual Reality … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Bagian CISC Telkom, Ambil Bandwitdh untuk Ptpn

Ini Link Dari Pak trio yulistiarso … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

samba mount Direktori, smbmount

Make the directory you want to mount the share to. mkdir /mnt/share Next either… Mount the share with user/pass: smbmount //winpc/shared /mnt/share -o username=user,password=pass,rw Or mount the share without a user/pass (this is true if Everyone is still set) smbmount //winpc/shared /mnt/share -o rw Hopefully thats it. Now you can use the share. You cannot create symbolic links or chmod the system (this is restriction on the WinXP side). If you wish to allow users on the linux side access to the share then you will need to alter the options. Adding in uid= or gid= to allow access to users or groups respectively by mounting the drive with there permissions. Here’s an example: smbmount //winpc/shared /mnt/share -o rw,uid=znx This will mount the drive as if user znx had done it. Thus he will have rw access to the shared. … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Barcode Upload

BarcodeDesktop … Read entire article »

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HELPDESK Software OSTICKET … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Bengkel Diesel Surabaya

Layanan Bengkel Diesel (Surabaya) Siap Tangani Ragam Masalah JAKARTA - Bagi pemilik mobil jenis diesel, coba bengkel Omega Diesel yang ada di kawasan Pacar Kembang 113 Surabaya. “Kami spesialis mengurusi segala masalah mesin diesel, mulai dari perbaikan injection pump, kerusakan nozzle hingga tune up mesin diesel,” buka Willy Hensly Wong, ST, juragan dari Omega Diesel. Nah, untuk perbaikan injection pump, Willy memberi tarif kisaran Rp 500 ribu hingga Rp 1,5 juta yang meliputi ganti paking set serta overhaul kit. “Berbeda dengan perbaikan nozzle yang juga melayani parts baru dengan harga Rp 100 ribu sampai Rp 130 ribu. Namun, jika untuk perbaikan atau pembersihan saja hanya Rp 17.500 ribu tiap unit, sedangkan untuk pengetesan Rp 15 ribu sampai Rp 17 ribu,” urai pria murah senyum ini. Tidak hanya itu saja, bengkel yang bisa dikontak di … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

Bengkel Sulung Diesel Mandiri

6203 1788 1515 Jl.Raya Kletek 178 Sepanjang-Surabaya … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System

CV 2013, Riwayat hiduP Dimas Adityo, CV

CURICULUMVITAE-JADI-FIXS … Read entire article »

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Filed under: 7. Operating System

SMTP CI Sendmail

Di Controller ditambahkan ini — function sendmail($email,$Judul,$IsiBerita){ $arraymail= array( ‘protocol’ =>’smtp’, ‘smtp_host’=>’′, ‘smtp_port’=>’25’, ‘smtp_user’=>’’, ‘smtp_pass’=>’rahasia’ /* ‘protocol’ => ‘smtp’, ‘smtp_host’=>’ssl://’, ‘smtp_port’=>’465′, ‘smtp_user’=>’’, ‘smtp_pass’=>’rahasiakita’ */ /* ‘smtp_host’=>’′, ‘smtp_port’=>’25’, ‘smtp_user’=>’’, ‘smtp_pass’=>’rahasia’ */ ); $this->load->library(‘email’,$arraymail); $this->email->set_newline(“\r\n”); $this->email->from(‘’,’Eproc PTPN-XI’); $this->email->to($email); $this->email->subject($Judul); $this->email->message($IsiBerita); — Di Library ditambahkan ini /system/libraries/Email.php ini Filenya Email.php — var $useragent = “CodeIgniter”; var $mailpath = “/usr/sbin/sendmail”; // Sendmail path var $protocol = “mail”; // mail/sendmail/smtp var $smtp_host = “”; // SMTP Server. Example: var $smtp_user = “”; // SMTP Username var $smtp_pass = “rahasia”; // SMTP Password var $smtp_port = “25”; // SMTP Port var $smtp_timeout = 5; // SMTP Timeout in seconds var $smtp_crypto = “”; // SMTP Encryption. Can be null, tls or ssl. var $wordwrap = TRUE; // TRUE/FALSE Turns word-wrap on/off var $wrapchars = “76”; // Number of characters to wrap at. var $mailtype = “text”; // text/html Defines email formatting var $charset = “utf-8″; // Default char set: iso-8859-1 or us-ascii var $multipart = “mixed”; // “mixed” (in the body) or “related” (separate) … Read entire article »

Filed under: 7. Operating System